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At this point, our configuration is already flexible and concise, but not really reusable. Let’s take a look at Tanka’s third buzzword as well: Environments.

These days, the same piece of software is usually deployed many times inside a single organization. This could be dev, testing and prod environments, but also regions (europe, us, asia) or individual customers (foo-corp, bar-gmbh, baz-inc).

Most of the application however is exactly the same across those environments … usually only configuration, scaling or small details are different after all. YAML (and thus kubectl) provides us only one solution here: Duplicating the directory, changing the details, maintaining both. But what if you have 32 environments? Correct! Then you have to maintain 32 directories of YAML. And we can all imagine the nightmare of these files drifting apart from each other.

But again, Jsonnet can be the solution: By extracting the actual objects into a library, you can import them in as many environments as you need!

Creating a library

A library is nothing special, just a folder of .libsonnet files somewhere in the import paths:

/libCustom, user-created libraries only for this project.
/vendorExternal libraries installed using Jsonnet-bundler

So for our purpose /lib fits best, as we are only creating it for our current project. Let’s set one up:

Terminal window
mkdir lib/prom-grafana # a folder for our prom-grafana library
cd lib/prom-grafana
# inside lib/prom-grafana:
touch prom-grafana.libsonnet # library file that will be imported
touch config.libsonnet # _config and images

For documentation purposes it is handy to have a separate file for parameters and used images:

// +:: is important (we don't want to override the
// _config object, just add to it)
_config+:: {
// define a namespace for this library
promgrafana: {
grafana: {
port: 3000,
name: "grafana",
prometheus: {
port: 9090,
name: "prometheus"
// again, make sure to use +::
_images+:: {
promgrafana: {
grafana: "grafana/grafana",
prometheus: "prom/prometheus",
local k = import "ksonnet-util/kausal.libsonnet";
(import "./config.libsonnet") +
local deployment = k.apps.v1.deployment,
local container = k.core.v1.container,
local port = k.core.v1.containerPort,
local service = k.core.v1.service,
// alias our params, too long to type every time
local c = $._config.promgrafana,
promgrafana: {
prometheus: {
deployment:, replicas=1,
containers=[, $._images.promgrafana.prometheus)
+ container.withPorts(["api", c.prometheus.port)]),
service: k.util.serviceFor(self.deployment),
grafana: {
deployment:, replicas=1,
containers=[, $._images.promgrafana.grafana)
+ container.withPorts(["ui", c.grafana.port)]),
+ service.mixin.spec.withType("NodePort"),

Dev and Prod

So far we have only used the environments/default environment. Let’s create some real ones:

Terminal window
tk env add environments/prom-grafana/dev --namespace=prom-grafana-dev # one for dev ...
tk env add environments/prom-grafana/prod --namespace=prom-grafana-prod # and one for prod

All that’s left now is importing the library and configuring it. For dev, the defaults defined in /lib/prom-grafana/config.libsonnet should be sufficient, so we do not override anything:

import "prom-grafana/prom-grafana.libsonnet"

For prod however, it is a bad idea to rely on latest for the images .. let’s add some proper tags:

(import "prom-grafana/prom-grafana.libsonnet") +
// again, we only want to patch, not replace, thus +::
_images+:: {
// we update this one entirely, so we can replace this one (:)
promgrafana: {
prometheus: "prom/prometheus:v2.14",
grafana: "grafana/grafana:6.5.2"


The above works well for libraries we control ourselves, but what when another team wrote the library, it was installed using jb from GitHub or you can’t change it easily?

Here comes the already familiar +: (or +::) syntax into play. It allows to partially override values of an object. Let’s say we wanted to add some labels to the Prometheus Deployment, but our _config params don’t allow us to. We can still do this in our main.jsonnet:

(import "prom-grafana/prom-grafana.libsonnet") +
promgrafana+: {
prometheus+: {
deployment+: {
metadata+: {
labels+: {
foo: "bar"

By using the +: operator all the time and only foo: "bar" uses “:”, we only override the value of "foo", while leaving the rest of the object like it was.

Let’s check it worked:

Terminal window
tk show environments/prom-grafana/patched -t deployment/prometheus
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
foo: bar # <- There it is!
name: prometheus
namespace: default
minReadySeconds: 10
replicas: 1
revisionHistoryLimit: 10
name: prometheus
name: prometheus
- image: prom/prometheus
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: prometheus
- containerPort: 9090
name: api