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Configuration Reference

Tanka’s behavior can be customized per Environment using a file called spec.json

File format

// Config format revision. Currently only "v1alpha1"
"apiVersion": "v1alpha1",
// Always "Environment". Reserved for future use
"kind": "Environment",
// Descriptive fields
"metadata": {
// Name of the Environment. Automatically set to the relative
// path from the project root
"name": "<string>",
// Arbitrary key:value string pairs. Not parsed by Tanka
"labels": { "<string>": "<string>" }
// Properties influencing Tanka's behavior
"spec": {
// The Kubernetes cluster to use.
// Must be the full URL, e.g. https://cluster.fqdn:6443
"apiServer": "<url>",
// The Kubernetes context name(s) to use.
// This field supports regular expressions and is mutually exclusive with apiServer field.
"contextNames": ["<string>"],
// Default namespace for objects that don't explicitely specify one
"namespace": "<string>" | default = "default",
// diffStrategy to use. Automatically chosen by default based on
// the availability of "kubectl diff".
// - native: uses "kubectl diff". Recommended
// - validate: uses "kubectl diff --server-side". Safest, but slower than "native"
// - subset: fallback for k8s versions below 1.13.0
"diffStrategy": "[native, validate, subset]" | default = "auto",
// Whether to add a "" label to each created resource.
// Required for garbage collection ("tk prune").
"injectLabels": <boolean> | default = false

Jsonnet access

It is possible to access above data from Jsonnet:

local tk = import "tk";
// The cluster IP
cluster: tk.env.spec.apiServer,
// The labels of your Environment
labels: tk.env.metadata.labels,