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Injecting Values

Sometimes it might be required to pass externally acquired data into Jsonnet.

There are three ways of doing so:

  1. JSON files
  2. External variables
  3. Top level arguments

Also check out the official Jsonnet docs on this topic.

JSON files

Jsonnet is a superset of JSON, it treats any JSON as valid Jsonnet. Because many systems can be told to output their data in JSON format, this provides a pretty good interface between those.

For example, your build tooling like make could acquire secrets from systems such as Vault, etc. and write that into secrets.json.

local secrets = import "secrets.json";
foo: secrets.myPassword,

External variables

Another way of passing values from the outside are external variables, which are specified like so:

Terminal window
# strings
tk show . --ext-str hello=world
# any Jsonnet snippet
tk show . --ext-code foo=4 --ext-code bar='[ 1, 3 ]'

They can be accessed using std.extVar and the name given to them on the command line:

foo: std.extVar('foo'), // 4, integer
bar: std.extVar('bar'), // [ 1, 3 ], array

Top Level Arguments

Usually with Tanka, your main.jsonnet holds an object at the top level (most outer type in the generated JSON):

/* your resources */

Another type of Jsonnet that naturally accepts parameters is the function. When the Jsonnet compiler finds a function at the top level, it invokes it and allows passing parameter values from the command line:

// Actual output (object) returned by function, which is taking parameters and default values
function(who, msg="Hello %s!") {
hello: msg % who

Here, who needs a value while msg has a default. This can be invoked like so:

Terminal window
tk show . --tla-str who=John