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Overriding vendor

The vendor directory is immutable in its nature. You can't and should never modify any files inside of it, jb will revert those changes on the next run anyway.

Nevertheless, it can sometimes become required to add changes there, e.g. if an upstream library contains a bug that needs to be fixed immediately, without waiting for the upstream maintainer to review it.


Because import paths are ranked in Tanka, you can use a technique called shadowing: By putting a file with the exact same name in a higher ranked path, Tanka will prefer that file instead of the original in vendor, which has the lowest possible rank of 1.

For example, if /vendor/foo/bar.libsonnet contained an error, you could create /lib/foo/bar.libsonnet and fix it there.

Tip: Instead of copying the file to the new location and making the edits, use an absolute import and patching:

// in /lib/foo/bar.libsonnet:
(import "../../vendor/foo/bar.libsonnet") + {
  foo+: {
    bar: "fixed"

Important: If the file you override is not the one you directly import, but instead imported by another file first, the override will only occur if the placement of the file is alongside your main.libsonnet. This is due to the logic behind the Jsonnet importer. Example: We import abc/main.libsonnet located in vendor/abc. Because Jsonnet first looks if files are locally present before considering the import paths, you need to make sure your override is actually picked up. In our example, you'd need to copy the main.libsonnet into lib/abc as well.

Per environment

Another common case is overriding the entire vendor bundle per environment.

This is handy, when you for example want to test a change of an upstream library which is used in many environments (including prod) in a single one, without affecting all the others.

For this, Tanka lets you have a separate vendor, jsonnetfile.json and jsonnetfile.lock.json per environment. To do so:

Create tkrc.yaml

Tanka normally uses the jsonnetfile.json from your project to find its root. As we are going to create another one of that down the tree in the next step, we need another marker for <rootDir>.

For that, create an empty file called tkrc.yaml in your project's root, alongside the original jsonnetfile.json.

Info: While the name suggests that tkrc.yaml could be used for setting parameters, this is not the case yet.
It might however be repurposed later, in case we need such functionality

Add a vendor to your environment

In your environments folder (e.g. /environments/default):

# init jsonnet bundler (creates jsonnetfile.json)
$ jb init

# install the updated dependency
$ jb install

Tip: You don't need to install everything into the new vendor/, as packages not present there can still be imported from the global /vendor.