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Tanka is distributed as a single binary called tk. It already includes the Jsonnet compiler, but requires some tools to be available:

  • kubectl: Tanka uses kubectl to communicate to your cluster. This means kubectl must be available somewhere on your $PATH. If you ever have worked with Kubernetes before, this should be the case anyways.
  • diff: To compute differences, standard UNIX diff(1) is required.
  • (recommended) jb: #Jsonnet Bundler, the Jsonnet package manager
  • (recommended) helm: Helm, required for Helm support


On macOS, Tanka is best installed using brew:

Terminal window
brew install tanka

This downloads the most recent version of Tanka and installs it. Also, Tanka is automatically kept up to date as part of brew upgrade.

Jsonnet Bundler

The Jsonnet Bundler project creates a package manager for Jsonnet to share and reuse code across the internet, similar to npm or go mod.

Tanka uses this tool by default, so it’s recommended to install it as well:

On macOS, Jsonnet Bundler is best installed using brew:

Terminal window
brew install jsonnet-bundler

This downloads the most recent version of Jsonnet Bundler and installs it.
Also, Jsonnet Bundler is automatically kept up to date as part of brew upgrade.